

Passwords in SQL Developer

For those people who hate to type in the passwords when you login to oracle database using sql developer, you can check the Save Password option when you create a connection as shown :

But there are some set of people who think saving the password is not the right thing to do. So if you are one among them, you can disable this feature by removing the Save Password Option by adding below text to sqldeveloper.conf file in SQLDEVELOPERBIN folder

AddVMOption -Dsqldev.savepasswd=false 



Display Line number in SQL Developer

If you want to enable displaying line numbers in sql developer's code editor, you can enable this option in preference. Go to Tools --> Preference --> Code Editor --> Line Gutter and check the Show line number option as shown below:

I am sure this will save you considerable amount of time while debugging the code.


SQL Developer - Formatting SQL

Formatting sqls in sql developer is very simple if you know the shortcut - Ctrl + Shift +F7.

Once you have the sql to be formatted in worksheet ( for eg., as in below pic)

Sql before formatting

Press the keys Ctrl + Shift + F7 together, Format properties dialog box as below would appear.

Once you click Apply button, the sql gets formatted as shown below:


SQL Developer - Setting NLS

In SQL developer, NLS settings like date format, timestamp format, currency  etc.,can be set in NLS option in Preference --> Database.

NLS options look like below screenshot:
Preference - database - NLS


SQL Developer Tip - 2 Colourful Girds in Table Data

If you want to display the result set of a query or table data in colourful grids, instead of a mundane white colour background as shown below:

Jobs Table Data without Grid pattern

To the one shown below with Zebra like pattern of colours:
Add caption
This can be done by selecting the preference - Tools -->  Preference --> Database --> Worksheet --> Grid in Checker board or Zebra Pattern 

Now you can see your resultset of sql would look colourful


SQL Developer Tips

       Inspired by Jeff Smith's post on SQL Developer, the tools which i am using for over two years
I have decided to blog on the same lines as Jeff - about the tricks and tricks which can save time for the developers when using SQL Developer.

Today's Tips is about the short cut keys to open the Object details / source codes of any objects like Procedures or any functions If yo are int eh middle of coding and you want to see the source code of a procedure you use. Simply select the procedure and Press Shift + F4 . The source code will open in a seperate window. For example, I have selected ADD_JOB_HISTORY procedure and upon pressing Shift + F4 keys the source code opens up.

Source code of this Procedure opens up as :